Professional Online Chess Lessons from top Kid Chess Coaches!
Kid Chess® Private Chess Lessons Online
What should I know before registering for private chess lessons?
- Online Chess Lessons are unique and tailored to fit your needs. Once you register, please contact us with your child’s skill level and your preferred time for lessons. We will be matching you with chess coaches that best support your child’s chess education.
- Kid Chess is working in schools between 1pm and 5pm Eastern Time weekdays during the school year. Online Chess Lessons during the school year will need to be scheduled outside of those times. We have more availability during the summer.
- We will not automatically renew your chess lesson package. No hidden fees and no subscriptions to cancel.
How will my child be learning chess online?
- Private online chess lessons are one hour lessons with a coach over an online video-chat service. You can see and learn chess with your coach!
- New students will be provided with a chess account to allow them to play and practice along with their chess lesson plan. Students previously enrolled in Kid Chess will be using the same chess account from club and/or camp.
- Students will have access to chess resources which they can use outside of their lesson to practice!
- 1 Private Chess Lesson$50 ($50/Lesson)
- 5 Private Chess Lessons - Value Choice$200 ($40/Lesson)
- 10 Private Chess Lessons - Best Value$350 ($35/Lesson)
For more information or to register for online chess lessons
Please call us at 770-575-5802
Email: Info@kidchess.com
or Register for Online Chess Lessons Here