• Chess Makes You Smart We Make It FUN! Don't Wait! Register NOW
  • Get ready for Spring Clubs

    Registrations open now!

  • Celebrate

    25 Years of Kid Chess!

  • More Ways to Play

    Check out exciting tournaments for scholastic players!

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  • Welcome to Kid Chess®

    Kid Chess® teaches chess to children in a fun environment - in public and private schools.
  • Why should children learn chess?


      Chess develops analytical decision-making skills that can be applied to real life.


      Chess encourages children to focus, plan, and persevere through challenges, building self-confidence.


      Chess enables children to gain insights into the nature of competition which will help them in any competitive endeavor.

    • My daughter took your class last year. I do plan to sign her up again, but I also wanted to let you know what wonderful teachers you had there last year. They were wonderful and so patient with all the kids. They kept the class focused and on track. Even though the class was a good size, and they only met once a week, I could tell when they gave out trophies that they really had taken the time to know each child.

      Becky Fly
      Kid Chess Parent
    • I just wanted to let you know how awesome Kid Chess is and how much our daughter has LOVED it this year. She started in January as a novice first grade player at school and then attended the camp at Findley Oaks this summer. She plans to continue in second grade this year — she absolutely loves Coach Keith and Coach AJ.

      Thanks for offering this awesome program.

      Mrs Crumbley
      Kid Chess Parent
    • Our son LOVED the program last year. He attended the second session both semesters. We really saw improvement in his game and thought process by the end of the year. Coach Lee is awesome and so very patient with the students. He is very knowledgeable about chess and I appreciate that he guides younger players to “a better move” and explains a wrong move. We have already registered for this year. He is ready and waiting to begin.

      Amy Wade
      Kid Chess Parent
    • As our school year now draws to a close, we are all busy preparing for a restful summer. In doing so, I wanted to make sure that you know how pleased we are that you chose to partner with us in educating children in our community. We are so thankful for your support and want you to know how much you are appreciated. We are looking forward to next year!

      Laura Russ
      Partners in Education
      Wilson Creek Elementary
    • Thank you for all the generous donations you’ve made this year to my committee. You’re a wonderful Partner in Education… And I don’t just mean by making monetary donations. I’ve seen you and [Kid Chess] at many school events and you’re always willing to come out and play chess with the students. You’ve helped make Mountain View a better school and I appreciate everything you’ve done so much!

      Karen Marques
      Mountain View Elementary
    • We want to thank you for the outstanding presentation of chess to our Target students. Not only were our “experts” challenged, you kindled an interest in the game in some of the reluctant beginners. Mt. Bethel benefits greatly by having your chess program. Again, a sincere thank you.

      Madge Marks
      Target Teacher
      Mount Bethel Elementary School
  • Our programs bring the benefits of chess to children in a manner that is both engaging and fun.

    • Kid Chess® For Your School

      We have been teaching chess to kids in Georgia schools for over two decades. Learn more about our after school programs here.

  • chess-piece-queen


    This is the place to come to learn about chess, play chess, and have some fun along the way! Let's get started!

    Learn and practice piece movement, and hone your checkmating skills on the Kid Chess® App. Try out Monster Chess and test yourself on what you’ve learned.
  • chess-piece-pawn

  • Kid Chess® For Your School

    Over 90% of the Top Elementary Schools in Atlanta have Chess Programs.

  • Be a part of the largest chess instructional program in the Southeast

    Playing chess has proven to help students enhance their creativity, improve their power of concentration, develop and expand critical thinking skills, boost memory and retention, and achieve superior academic performance.

  • Additionally, chess has been shown to augment problem-solving capabilities, provide cultural enrichment, advance intellectual maturity, and enhance self-esteem. We know that these are qualities that school administrators, parents, and teachers desire for their students. For additional information and supporting research, please click here.

  • Contact Us

    • Postal Address

      2500 Old Alabama Rd
      Suite 11
      Roswell, GA 30076

    • Phone & E-mail

      Phone: 770-575-5802

    • Business Hours

      Monday – Friday
      9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
      Closed weekends and some holidays